Saturday, February 12, 2011

36 Days Until Takeoff

Today I finally created this thing, and it was a lot easier than I thought it would be, thank goodness. For right now, I am just going to start posting / writing about what I am doing to get ready for South Africa; I figure it isn't the most interesting thing in the world to write about, but I know it will make for some good practice posts!

Here is what I accomplished so far today:
* Hooked up my SkyMiles account to my plane. Hello free domestic flight sometime in the future!
* Found out that my insurance covers emergency situations in SA.
* Bought a gift for my future host family; a book called "M is for Mitten". Thought that it would be better than a postcard or something cheesy, and it has some great pictures of my home state for them to see.
* Read up on slag and swear words in Afrikaans. Hoezit means whats up, a Bottle Store is where alcohol is sold, and sms is what they call their text messages.
* Watched Glee. Nothing to do with S.A. but I am counting it as an accomplishment because I was two episodes behind.
* Ordered copies of my favorite pictures of family and friends to pack and bring with me. These are mostly to show everyone in S.A. my life here, but also for when I'm feeling homesick :)

My to-do list is still miles long, but I have 36 days to get it all accomplished, no worries.

I'll leave you all with a clip about Nelson Mandela, South Africa's first democratically elected president. Yesterday was the 21st anniversary of his release from prison. During my trip, I am fortunate enough to be able to visit the prison and cell where he was held, all in the name of change.

Hamba Kahle (go well),


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