Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Half Past Chats

The people here continue to amaze me.

Yesterday I went into the market in downtown Stellenbosch where many of the local vendors sell their homemade creations. I was on a mission to get a gift (or gifts...) for Joy and Jaclyn, and ended up in conversation with many of the men working at the booths. One particular man named Gordan (sometimes it is hard with the accents and languages) talked to me for over half an hour about international business. He was being truly honest with me about his business practices, and why he charges certain prices to different tourists and customers. He told me about his business degree from the University he attended, and then went on to explain to me the conversion rate between the South African Rand and the American dollar. When I asked him if he did the conversion rate in his head for other countries, he began to explain why the Euro is worth more than the American dollar, as well as how other African countries currencies compare to the South African rand, and how he knew to sell items to different people to make it an equal deal between seller and buyer. This guy knew his stuff, and has definite plans for his businesses future which I believe could be extremely successful.

This is what is so amazing though- I would have never thought this man had such an extensive knowledge of business, much less have already completed two years at a University. I was too quick to judge his past based on his present. As an educator, I can not allow myself to transfer this type of quick assumption to my students. I need to teach them to be critical thinkers; to read between the lines and see what's underneath the surface.

I think this was a great realization for me to have, especially here. I can't wait to learn more about myself in the next three weeks :)
Always Learning, 


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