Sunday, April 10, 2011

Holiday Adventures!

So much to write about! I have literally packed an entire year into the last 12 days. Since the schools were on holiday, we went on holidays as well and explored more of this beautiful country. Let me tell you, I was not prepared for the beauty in this nation. Everywhere I looked, there were animals roaming freely, mountains surrounding the roads, or the Indian Ocean in the distance. If I were to live life over again from the beginning, I would wish to grow up here surrounded by the amazing beauty of God's creation. I think my camera has more pictures of scenery than of me and the people I'm with, simply because I want to remember the images forever.

Since it has been 11 days since I've had internet accesses, here is what I've been up to:
* Saw and swam in the Indian Ocean
* Going on a real night safari, and watching hyenas eat a dead carcass. Real life Discovery Channel!
* Horseback riding through Addo National Park, and being feet away from Zebras, Water Buffalo, and monkeys in their natural habitat.
* Playing euchre every night :)
* Laying on the grass and gazing at the wide open sky, and being able to see the entire Milky Way.
* Waking up early to watch the sunrise over the mountains.
* Ziplining through the canopy of the African forest.
* Going extreme hiking through the woods and jumping off rocks into a waterfall :)
* Bunjee Jumping (that's right!!) off of the world's tallest bridge. I have a video to prove it!
* Overcoming my fear of small spaces while adventure crawling through the Canga Caves.
* Skydiving over Mossel Bay (google earth it, it's beautiful!). My second time jumping out of a plane in a year, I'm beginning to think I'm crazy.
* Being awarded the Seykora award from GVSU for student contribution to the University, and crying for the first time in weeks because I was so honored and happy to be given the award.

PHEW! Like I said, literally lived a year of my life in the last few days. Now that I'm back to my normal life in Stellenbosch though, I will be able to write more and post some picture maybe :) I know some of you would like to see that! But for now, I am going to go make a grilled cheese sandwich and finish some of my journals for my classes :)

Walk joy, walk brave, walk love, walk strong, and may life always give you song.


1 comment:

  1. I seriously do not know why but I just now am reading this for the first time and started crying. You sound like you are having an amazing time and I am so happy for you. At the same time, I miss my crazy friend Jen who jumps out of planes and bungeejumps lol. Love every minute you have but I can not wait for you to be back in my life! I love you BFF and I still expect a text the moment you get off the plan in USA land =)

    <3 Kim
